I have over five years of experience as a journalist specializing in food and hospitality for B2B and consumer media brands. To see more of my writing, you can view my journalism portfolio.
Online Contributor
I have written articles focused on innovation and entrepreneurship in food and dining for Forbes (114M monthly visitors across all platforms), generating 375K+ total views, including my top-performing article with 100K+ views.

My stories have been featured in the Editor’s Pick section and Mind Feeder newsletter (12K+ subscribers) for Forbes, the New York governor’s newsletter and the country of Sweden’s official Twitter account (150K+ followers) and syndicated to Forbes Brasil and Forbes Japan.

My original story—​​​​​​​The French Actor Who Turned Quarantine Baking Into A Thriving Business—first brought media attention to a business later featured in The New Yorker, Good Morning America, the Michelin Guide website, French and Japanese news outlets and a Squarespace campaign.
Freelance Work
January 2020 issue
January 2020 issue
January 2020 issue
January 2020 issue
March 2020 issue
March 2020 issue
Digital Editor
For Nation's Restaurant News—a leading B2B publication for the restaurant and foodservice industry—and its sister publications, I developed content strategy and production plans for editorial & sponsored content based on website and social media analytics. I also edited videos and audio for podcasts, designed creative assets using Adobe Photoshop & Canva, managed daily email newsletters and wrote articles for NRN and Restaurant Hospitality.

New on the Menu
To increase website traffic and distinguish the RH brand, I ideated and launched a new weekly column in collaboration with the editorial & art teams—resulting in 170K+ page views and ad sponsorship.

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